+++ draft = false title = 'About' [params] Toc = false showWordCount = false +++ I'm revsuine and this is my personal website. I'm a communist with various interests. This website contains my blog which I'll post to occasionally. I also host various services for myself and my friends: * [Nextcloud](https://cloud.revsuine.xyz/) * [Forgejo](https://git.revsuine.xyz/) * [Mastodon](https://mastodon.revsuine.xyz) * A Matrix homeserver at `matrix.revsuine.xyz` * An email server at `mail.revsuine.xyz` I also host some x86\_64 Alpine Linux APKs I use [here](/alpine_apks). These are generally packages only on the `edge` Alpine branch that I want to use in a versioned release. If you want to use them, you can add ```plaintext https://revsuine.xyz/alpine_apks/community https://revsuine.xyz/alpine_apks/testing ``` to your `/etc/apk/repositories`. You should also import my [abuild public key](/keys/laura-673a1ff5.rsa.pub) by downloading it and placing it in `/etc/apk/keys/`. My contact details can be found [here](/contact).